Why the right Barber matters?
Choosing the right Barber can mean the difference between being a Zero and being a Hero. But how do you know you are getting the correct barber? There are a lot of barbers in the local communities currently and due to that finding the right one can be tough. Do you find the one that is closest to your house? How about the barber who charges the highest price point? What about the barber who is the cheapest? Most likely the answer is somewhere in the middle.
The search
The right barber will vary from client to client. For some it will be as simple as going to the local barber shop down the road to get a haircut whether it is a quality service or not. If you prefer convenience to perfection this could very well be the perfect option for you. Maybe the shop does do a satisfactory job but that could be debatable. A good way to find a barber shop near to you is to Google Search the following phrases: barber shop near me, or do a more detailed city search like Barber Shops Portland Maine
Price Versus Value
Maybe you are the baller client who will only get the most expensive haircut regardless of the level of quality provided and being charged simply for atmosphere within the barber shop. If so, wouldn’t it be better to save a few dollars and get a more affordable base price haircut that is of a higher caliber service in your local barber shop and pay a hefty tip that leaves that barber certainly remembering your name and thinking you’re the man as you tip One Hundred to Three Hundred percent the price of a haircut. You also look like you have a hundred-dollar haircut that cost you thirty dollars base price instead of a haircut that looks like it cost twenty dollars that you paid seventy-five dollars base price for. A way to find the highest priced barber shop in your area is to Google Search the phrase: Barber Shop prices near me
Don't Spend Too Little...
Do you go for the cheapest barber in your area? Let’s just be honest this is not a great option normally. If you’re on a budget than continue doing this but if you can afford a slightly higher price point, then pay the extra few dollars, you won’t regret paying a different barber a few dollars more to have a higher quality haircut that is a lot nicer looking with more technical skill in the haircut. To find a price friendly barber shop you can Google search the following phrases: Barber Shop near me, or Barber Shop prices near me
Dial In Your Choice
But let’s cut to the chase most of the time the barber shop you will want to go to will be one that meets criteria from each of the above examples. Maybe you want a barber shop that is near to you, but affordable and not the cheapest in the area. To find this option you will want a barber shop that provides a high-quality service within a short travel distance of your residence most likely twenty minutes of travel either walking or driving whatever you have for transportation. To find a barber shop in the area that meets your criteria Google Search the phrases: Barber Shops near me, Barber Shops near me open, Walk in barber shops near me, Good barber shops near me. If you use those phrases in Google you will find the barber shops that are around you and then you can look up the barber shop images either on Google or Instagram to see what sort of work they do to make sure it matches what the barber shop claims they do quality wise.
In conclusion I hope this article helps you find the right barber for you based on distance, quality of service and price point. The Google Search phrases I have included were provided based off meticulous research of what provides the best results when searching for barbers around you.

Alex Ward, Owner